Dell Client Configuration Toolkit Application1.This release supersedes CCTK 2.0. 2.It is recommended thatusers upgrade.Fixes-Not Applicable.Enhancements-Added support for additionalarguments in the BIOS option 'keyboard illumination'.Addedsupport for new BIOS options 'Optimus', 'Control WWAN Radio' and'Control WLAN Radio'.Dell Update Packages in Microsoft Windows 32-bit format can bedeployed on Microsoft 64-bit operating systems by implementingthe WOW64 emulation applications. WOW64 is a standard feature onmost Microsoft operating systems. For moreinformation, click here. Conexant D330 Modem Diagnostics UtilityFixes - Fixed Displayed Icon in Control Panel Window-Removed allreferences of the files of dmdm32.cpl and dmdm64.cpl -FixedProgram Compatibility Assistant message asking 'Did this controlpanel work correctly?'
About Modem Diagnostic DLL pops-up onVista 64-bit OS when diagnostic tool is opened and closed afterthe installation -Fixed OEM Ready test #1 fails since DModem.exedoes not have a compliant manifest Enhancements- NotApplicableThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell ControlVault DriverThis package provides driver for Dell ControlVault and issupported on Tablet, Precision and Latitude that are running thefollowing Windows Operating System: XP, VISTA, Windows 7 andWindows 8This release will ONLY install the driver for the DellControlVault.Fixes - Fixed GINA showing 'Initializing Fingerprint scanner'then 'Failure' when GINA login page resuming from S3. Wave Ginashow 'cannot detect a supported CLSC reader. Please connect aCLSC reader' when log off/switch user.Enhancements - NotApplicable.Fixes - Fix GINA showing 'Initializing Fingerprintscanner' then 'Failure' when GINA login page resuming from S3.Wave Gina show 'cannot detect a supported CLSC reader. Pleaseconnect a CLSC reader' when log off/switch user Enhancements -Not Applicable.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files.
Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Client Configuration UtilityFixes:- Not applicableEnhancements:- 1. Added support for newBios configuration options.
Added support for Legacy BootMode on systems with an UEFI-enabled BIOS. Known limitations-3.BIOS Update for Dell OptiPlex 740 systems with BIOS password setcannot be performed using this utility.-4. BIOS Update for DellOptiPlex 160/FX160 systems cannot be performed using the.exeBIOS package. Use the HDR file with this utility to perform theupdate.-5.
Dell Latitude E5420 Wifi Drivers For Windows 10 64 Bit
Boot order setting cannot be changed on OptiPlex 160when BIOS system password is set.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory. Client Integration Pack 3.1-Dell Client Integration Pack requires Microsoft.NET 4.0 to beinstalled on the target computer-Requires Microsoft Server 2008or 2012-Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1recommended-Windows 8 Support-Intel AMT vPro OOB Management 9.0 - Remotewipe capability-Support for SCCM 2012 SP1-Dell Platform Feature-ME9This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files.
Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Data Protection ApplicationUninstall any prior versions of Dell Data Protection Access orDell ControlPoint Security Manager software and drivers (ifinstalled on the computer). Back up any security credentialsprior to uninstalling. The Dell Data Protection AccessApplication will install into the Start Menu underProgramsDellDell Data ProtectionAccess. Note: No desktop ortask tray icons will be placed onto the system by default. Fordetailed installation instructions, please read the Dell DataProtection Access Users Guide from -Manuals - Software - Dell Utility - Dell DataProtectionFixes - Not Applicable.
Enhancements - Enhanced performance infingerprint Reader, Smartcard Access, and the SingleSignOnfeature - Enhanced language localization.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation.
Dell Ambient Light Sensor ApplicationThis package provides the Dell Ambient Light Sensor Applicationand is supported on Enterprise Servers, Precision and LatitudeModels running the following Windows Operating System: VISTAFixes-Fixed system to shut down faster when the ALS service isloaded.Enhancement- Not ApplicableThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Client Management Pack ApplicationThis package provides the application for Dell Client ManagementPack for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager and issupported on Enterprise Servers, Equallogic, Tablet, Vostro,Precision, Latitude and Optiplex models that are running thefollowing Windows Operating Systems: XP, VISTA (32/64-bit) andWindows 7 (32/64-bit).1.Dell Management Pack version 4.1 is supported on System CenterOperations Manager 2007 R2/SP1 and System Center Essentials 2007SP1/2010 only. 2.It does not function with prior releases of theMOM product. 3.Upgrades from Dell MP v4.0 to Dell MP v4.1 issupported. 4.Upgrades from previous Dell MP v3.x to Dell MP v4.1is not supported.Fixes-Not ApplicableEnhancements- Enhanced Support for upto OMCI8.0.1 and latest Dell Business Client platforms.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory.
Dell Client Management Pack ApplicationThis package provides the application for Dell Client ManagementPack and is supported on Optiplex, Tablet, Precision and Latitudemodels that are running the following Windows Operating Systems:Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, XP, VISTA, Windows 7and Windows 8.1.Dell Management Pack version 5.0 is supported on MicrosoftSystem Center 2012 Operations Manager, System Center OperationsManager 2007 R2 and System Center Essentials 2010 only. 2.It doesnot function with prior releases of the MOM product. 3.Upgradesfrom Dell Client MP v4.1 to Dell Client MP v5.0 is supported.4.Upgrades from previous Dell Client MP v3.x to Dell Client MPv5.0 is not supported.Fixes -Not Applicable.Enhancements -Enhanced from OMCI 8.0 toOMCI 8.1.1.-Enhanced Windows 8 Support with OMCI 8.1.1.-Enhancedlatest Dell Business Client platforms.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive.
The installationcan then be done from that directory. Dell ControlPoint Security Device Driver PackThis package provides the Dell ControlPoint Security DeviceDriver Pack and is supported on the Latitude, Optiplex andPrecision models running the following Windows Operating Systems:XP (64-Bit), VISTA (64-Bit) and Windows 7 (64-Bit).1.) This Driver package is required to be installed prior to theDell ControlPoint Security Manager Application.2.) This packagecomes with an unattended answer file (setup.iss) for silentinstallation. 3.) To execute silent installation, use thefollowing syntax: setup.exe /s /f1'insert the correctfoldername heresetup.iss' Silent installation willautomatically install the correct drivers for all Dell securitydevices and peripherals supported by the platform.Fixes- Fixed several Pre-Boot issues.Enhancements- EnhancedWinbond TPM driver. Dell ControlPoint Security Manager Application64 bit Security Manager A18 1.4.00004 Application packageIn order to install this application package, user must installthe Dell Security Driver Installation package prior to thisapplication. O Please use the A18 or newer Dell Security DriverPack with this release. O Please use the A17 or newer ControlVault firmware on systems with the Dell ControlVault device.Removes System Overview application Dell Inc. Has released asecurity update for customers using Dell Control Point SecurityManager versions 1.3 or later running on Windows® XP.
Thisupdated application fixes a vulnerability in the Biometricauthentication to Windows® XP. This affects users who havebiometric authentication set up. Dell ControlVaultUse of this utility is not recommended unless directed by DellTechnical Support, or when the Touch Fingerprint Sensor isserviced or replaced.The Dell Security Device Driver Pack must beinstalled. (1.4.x)The CVDiag can only be run by a user withAdministrator privileges.If running from Vista or Win 7 with UserAccount Control (UAC) enabled, the CVDiag must be run as anAdministrator.Initial ReleaseThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files.
Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell ControlVaultInitial externally promoted release. Provides enhanced overallstabilityFix issue: Contactless Smartcard login field hangs with'Accessing Card' or 'Contactless Smartcard failure'.Fix issue:the ControlVault host control service is not started afterinstalling DriverPack X09, 64bitThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell ControlVault Fireware'REQUIREMENTS - The latest Dell Data Protection Access must be installed in order for the USHUPGRADE tocommunicate with the ControlVault. 'Application configuration isincorrect' is a result of an old driver pack being installed. TheUSHUPGRADE is not a stand alone application.
It requires allfiles contained in the firmware directory to update the USHfirmware. The files USHUPGRADE uses depend on the particularsystem. The USHUPGRADE can only be run by a user withAdministrator privileges.
NOTE: If running from Vista with UserAccount Control (UAC) enabled, the USHUPGRADE must be run as anAdministrator. GETTING STARTED-Please refer to the firmwarereadme.txt filefor advanced command line options and result codes 'Fixes: - Fixed DOS batch file issue.Enhancements: - ImprovedFingerprint enrollment and capture Include support. Dell Multi-Touch TouchpadIn order to launch the control panel successfully, the.NetFramework must be installed prior to opening the controlpanel.1. Fixed the issue that the Hotkey function does not work if the'Display Icon in Task Bar' option is unchecked.2. Fixed the issuethat the Pointstick doesn't work when resuming from S3/S4 afteronly Touchpad is disabled by hotkey.3. Fixed the issue that3-Finger-Flick doesn't function by Viewer of Photo Gallary ofWindos Vista.4.
Fixed the issue that the touchpad driver cannotbe installed via Dell Client System Update.5. Improved the cursorjump behavior when pan scroll by dragging on the photo viewer.6.Added the processing that the Inertial scroll does not work onfor the default photo viewer of every Windows OS. Windows 7:Windows Photo Viewer - Windows Vista: Windows Photo Gallery -Windows XP: Picture and Fax Viewer7. Added the cursor icon forthe Inertial scroll.8. Added the processing that stopping theInertial scroll by touching the touchpad.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Reader 2.1 Application1.Uninstall older version of Reader before installing thisversion.
2.You can uninstall older version either from 'Uninstalla program' in Control Panel, or from Reader program group inStart Menu.Fixes-Not Applicable.Enhancements-Enhanced exports emails from upto 10 Outlook folders.Added Auto-updater which checks forReader update regularly.-Supported Arabic language.-SupportedOffice 2010 (32/64-bit) over Rev. A05.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files.
Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell SBS Out-Of-Band Management Plugin ApplicationThis package provides the application for Dell SBS Out-Of-BandManagement Plugin and is supported on the Optiplex,Tablet,Precision and Latitude models that are running the followingwindows operating systems: XP, VISTA and Windows 7This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files.
Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell System SoftwareDell System Software is a utility that provides critical updatesand patches for your operating system. Dell System Software isnecessary for correct operation of your Dell computer. Theprogram automatically detects your computer and operating systemand installs updates appropriate for your configuration.If you are reinstalling the operating system it is important thatthis software be installed first.1) Add the following Microsoft hotfixes:51632) remove support. Dell Latitude E6410 System BIOSNotes:-1. Please note that if the A08 or before A08 BIOSis currently installed on your system you must first update toA09 BIOS and then flash to the latest A-rev BIOS. Please notethat if the A01 BIOS is currently installed on your system youmust first apply the P02 patch (E6410P02.EXE) before upgrading tothis BIOS.1.
Added support of Signed Firmware BIOS.2. Fixed fail to createor change Hard Drive password from DDPA 2.0.3.
Addressed FDE harddrive detection issue.4. Fixed USB data transfer issue lockupwith iTunes application.5. Updated the PXE option ROM to version1.3.76This file format consists of a BIOS executable file. TheUniversal (Windows/MS DOS) format can be used to install fromWindows XP, Windows 2000, NT, Windows 9X, Windows ME or a MS DOSenvironment. Dell Latitude E6410 System BIOS A15Notes:-1.
Please note that if the A01 BIOS is currentlyinstalled on your system you must first apply the P02 patch(E6410P02.EXE) before upgrading to this BIOS.2. Please note thatif the A08 or before A08 BIOS is currently installed on yoursystem you must first update to A09 BIOS and then flash to thelatest A-rev BIOS. Please note that if the A10 or before A10BIOS is currently installed on your system you must first updateto A11 BIOS and then flash to the latest A-rev BIOS.1. Updated the manageability engine firmware to version6.2.50.1062.This file format consists of a BIOS executable file. TheUniversal (Windows/MS DOS) format can be used to install fromWindows XP, Windows 2000, NT, Windows 9X, Windows ME or a MS DOSenvironment.
Dell Latitude E6410 System BIOS'This patch must be applied to the A01 BIOS in order to upgradeto A02 and beyond. Systems with the A02 BIOS or greater do notneed to apply this patch.' Corrects an issue with the A01 BIOS which prevents thesuccessful updating of the Intel Manageability Engine firmware.2.Addresses a flash update issue under 64-bit operatingsystems.This patch must be applied to the A01 BIOS in order toupgrade to A02 and beyond. Systems with the A02 BIOS or greaterdo not need to apply this patch.This file format consists of a BIOS executable file. TheUniversal (Windows/MS DOS) format can be used to install fromWindows XP, Windows 2000, NT, Windows 9X, Windows ME or a MS DOSenvironment. Intel CPU TurboBoost DriverThis package provides the Driver for Intel CPU TurboBoost and issupported on Inspiron Notebook, Vostro Notebook, Precision andLatitude models that are running the following Windows OperatingSystems: XP, VISTA (32/64-bit) and Windows 7(32/64-bit).1.Mixed use of the standalone Intel Turbo Boost Technology Driverand combined Intel Integrated Graphics and Intel Turbo BoostTechnology driver kits is not functioning.
2.Only one installeror the other can be used at a time. 3.A clean install will berequired when switching between installer packages.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files.
Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Inventory Collector ApplicationThis package provides the Dell Inventory Collector Applicationand is supported on XPS Notebook, Optiplex, Latitude, Tablet andPrecision models that are running the following Windows OperatingSystems: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows 2000,XP, VISTA (32/64-bit) and Windows 7 (32/64-bit).Fixes- Fixed inventory for CCTK - Fixed inventory for WWAN 5802and WWAN 5804 App Enhancements- Enhanced performance.This file format consists of an archive of files that may bedecompressed to a directory on the hard drive. The installationcan then be done from that directory.
ZTE IC Trusted Cryptography Module DriverThis package provides the Driver for ZTE IC Trusted CryptographyModule and is supported on Optiplex, Latitude & Precision modelsthat are running the following Windows Operating Systems: XP,VISTA and Windows 7Fixes:- Fixed Extract driver files to a folder with wrongnameEnhancements:- Not ApplicableThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation.
NVIDIA Security Patch UtilityThis package provides nVIDIA Security Patch Utility and issupported on Optiplex, XPS Notebook, Tablet, Precision, Latitudeand Enterprise Server models running the following WindowsOperating Systems: Windows Server 2012, XP, VISTA, Windows 7,Windows 8This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Dell Wireless 5620 EVDO Mobile Broadband Mini-Card DriverThis package provides the driver for Dell Wireless 5620 EVDOMobile Broadband Mini-Card and is supported on Precision andLatitude models that are running on the following WindowsOperating system: XP & VISTA(32/64 bit) and windows 7(32/64bit).This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. TSST TS-U333B Ultra-slim SATA Trayload DVD Firmware UpdateThis package provides the Firmware Update for TSST TS-U333BUltra-slim SATA Trayload DVD and is supported on Latitude andPrecision models running the following Windows Operating Systems:XP, VISTA and Windows 7.Fixes- Not Applicable.Enhancements- Enabled signal scrambling inSATA communication.This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation.
Samsung PM800 FDE 128GB 2.5 SATA2 SSDRecommend customer to use this new FW for resolve the performancedegrade issue when SSD getting fullWarning“DEVICE MUST BE PLUGGED IN AT ALL TIMES DURING THEFIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS OR ELSE DEVICE MAY BE PERMANENTLY DAMAGEDAND RENDERED INOPERABLE.?' YOU MUST BACK UP ALL DATA ON THE DRIVEAS THE FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS WILL ERASE ALL PRE-EXISTINGDATA'Initial ReleaseThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation. Samsung PM800 256GB 2.5 SATA2 SSDRecommend customer to use this new FW for resolve the performancedegrade issue when SSD getting fullWarning“DEVICE MUST BE PLUGGED IN AT ALL TIMES DURING THEFIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS OR ELSE DEVICE MAY BE PERMANENTLY DAMAGEDAND RENDERED INOPERABLE.?' YOU MUST BACK UP ALL DATA ON THE DRIVEAS THE FIRMWARE UPDATE PROCESS WILL ERASE ALL PRE-EXISTINGDATA'Initial ReleaseThis file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files.Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run(double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow theinstructions to complete the installation.
Dell Client System Update Application1.Dell Client System Update 1x1 Tool is a stand-alone applicationthat provides a Windows Update like experience for Dell BusinessClient platforms. 2.The application provides the ability toretrieve and update systems software released by Dell.
Hi when install new Operation system Windows 7 have a problem with my bluetooth device in Laptop Dell Latitude D630 (internal bluetooth device D360 mini modul).In the Device manager everithing is OK but when start connection wiht some externel device have a problem:Bluetooth peripheral Device.No Driver foundthen Device manager lokate the missing driver!My internal device is D360 modul and when start searching the new solution heve no positive answer.Please help to fix this problemBest regardsJ Skah. Hi JSKAH,Welcome to Microsoft Answers!!!The error message you mentioned is because there is no driver installed for the Bluetooth device. You may access the link below and download the driver for the Bluetooth.Let us know if the information was helpful or installing the driver in the link did not fix the issue.RegardsVarun J: MICROSOFT SUPPORTVisit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forumand let us know what you thinkIf this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the 'Mark as Answer' or 'Helpful' button at the top of this message.
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